Tuesday 6 December 2011

Sunshine makes it all better

What started out as a chilly morning soon turned into a gloriously sunny summer-esque afternoon, that's a rare sight for me in winter. Of course i've seen the winter sun shining in London through teary eyes as the icy cold wind hits your face and numbs every part of you, but this was different. The air was warm, when the sun touched your skin it felt just like a summer day in July, everything sparkled and looked so alive.

It was also the day of another failed recipe attempt, something that's become quite common in the past few days and got me a little down. I always feel comfortable in the kitchen and confident that i know what i'm doing with the ingredient in front of me, and then the end result is the complete opposite i've what i was expecting and i wonder...how did i get it SO wrong?!

I know this sounds like i'm just feeling sorry for myself or having my own pity party, but i just get so down when something i've spent time creating with high hopes just utterly fails, it's happened two days in a row, one time on a recipe that i make literally every other week, even the sous-chef asked me if everything was ok. Maybe i'm just trying too hard and complicating something that is best left simple and in it's original form or perhaps i have too high expectations in my mind of what something should look and taste like...or i could just be bad at it? What ever the reason it's certainly got me thinking as you can see, why am i not like one of these people who can laugh it off and then later at a dinner party bring it up much to everyone's amusement? am i being too sensitive?

Mistakes and failures ( what ever you want to call them) happen, i'm sure everyone out there as had more than one disaster in the kitchen in their time, i'm sure their able to laugh about it, maybe they feel a little of what i'm feeling inside them but they don't show it...

So here's me facing the failure and the countless ones made in the past and to come in the future, putting it behind me, sitting in the sunshine eating a bowl of sweet and juicy clementines.

And everything is alright.


  1. Yes you're being too sensitive :) but that can be a good quality too.... just put on your apron and try again :)
    (and keep enjoy the sunshine!)

  2. Thank you for the reassurance Nicole, i'm working on a hopefully succesful dinner right now!
